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Day 4 - Seven day Challenge

Day 4

Day 4 - Seven Day Challenge


We’re over half way done with this challenge, so its time for a check in. I’m not really concerned about dropping weight during this challenge, for me it was about “forcing” myself to the gym and getting back to going consistently. When you start going you feel the endorphins you’ve been missing from not going. I have done a form of cardio every day may that be a hiit, or treadmill intervals, either way I get it done. For me, cardio sucks but pushing through it and getting a good sweat and my heart rate going before I jump into weight training benefits how I feel at the end of the workout. I feel like I accomplished something.


Cardio interval 15mins

Incline walk (incline at 12) 5 minutes Run 2.5 minutes (incline at 0) Incline walk (Incline at 12) 5 minutes Run 2.5 Minutes (incline at 0)

10x3 Squats Front lunge Cursie lunge Romanian dead lifts (weighted Bar) Good mornings (weighted Bar)

Single arm overhead press (10 each arm) Flys to kickback curls to overhead press


The hardest part of a healthy lifestyle, for me, is eating. I love sweets and its hard to curb the cravings. Especially because it seems like there’s always some holiday that has candy along with it. The way I have my macros set up, between my main meals, I have some wiggle room. Hitting macros can be as difficult as you want to make it. For me, I use it as something to shoot for, but if I’m over a little I don’t beat myself up. By a little I mean I give myself about 5 grams leewa

Day 4 Food

You’ll see that I didn’t hit my macros but I wasn’t over either. I’ve found that the reason I enjoy tracking my macros is that it’s a constant puzzle and getting things to fit together where you can hit all 4 values, not perfectly, but close is a game that's interesting to me. It also keeps me accountable for what I'm eating or at least makes me mindful of how many cookies I've eaten, haha. Some people use this tool to strictly and its okay if that's how it fits you, but for me being mindful of how much I'm eating or what I'm putting into my body helps greatly in what type of decisions I'm making.

I don't track my macros all the time. I go for about 2-3 weeks where I track just to get a good idea on portion size and more of a check up to make sure what I'm eating intuitively works. But I have cheat days and that's completely okay!

If you need help with your macro tracking or don't know where to start, comment below or shoot me a message on my about page and we can work to get it figured out.

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