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Love your body

Love your body

A lot of times, as women we’re expected to have a body type that we can’t with hold. Either our frame doesn’t work like that or its just and unattainable goal. Whether you’re looked at being to big, or to skinny there’s no way to please everyone, and we shouldn’t let that dictate how we are as a person or affect us in the least bit.

I have tons of pictures where I hate the way I look, or the first thing I notice is my tummy. The first thought is its not flat enough, or my smile looks bad or I could have worked harder to look better. At some point in our life it becomes clear that regardless of what others see when they look at you, your opinion should be the only one worth anything.

We need to stop living in a world to please other by the way we look. I’m proud of my body and the ups and downs I’ve had. I workout for myself, not for anyone else. My body carried a baby, and while I’ve worked hard after to get my body back into shape. I’m incredibly proud of the process I’ve gone through. I’ve realized that working out isn’t just to get into shape, it’s also there to help you mentally decompress and release all the tension you may have from your day.

Before 1/6/2018

I’m not saying I don’t have a goal on where I want to be, but a number on the scale isn’t dictating that for me. I go off of how I feel, when I eat food that is good for me I feel better then eating junk food. Having a goal in mind can be as simple as, I want to make it to the gym 3 times this week. When we stop concentrating on that number that pops up, we start breaking away the chains we have on ourselves as to where we’re “told” we need to be.

When we start loving our body for the way it is, we start taking control way from outside sources. Your body is amazing and can do some pretty incredible things. You just need to give it the chance and the ability to show how amazing it truly is. Put yourself to the test and see how incredible you really are. And remember, Love your body in all of its stages for every reason.

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