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Dealing with loss

Grief is a hard subject, because everyone grieves so differently. May it be the loss of a family member, pet, or friend its always hard to go through.

While there may be stages of grieving there’s always somethings you should know.

  1. You are not alone, as much as you feel like you have to do it on your own. There is always someone in your life for you to talk to.

  2. Take your time to grieve. You don’t have to rush your process because you aren’t where someone else thinks you should be.

  3. Open up about what you’re feeling to someone. Don’t close off because you can’t deal. There’s someone that loves you that needs you to talk to them. It’ll make you feel better.

  4. It’s hard, but take the memories you have and hold them dear, who you lost will live on in those memories.

  5. Give yourself time to grieve, but also push yourself to do things. You’ll have good days and bad days, but there’s nothing stopping you from laughing and enjoying yourself.

  6. Let yourself cry, and treat yourself to you time.

People love you, and they will be there for you to talk and get things off your chest, you are never alone.

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